Dirhtml is a simple-to-use, feature-rich and effective index.html generator that can easily and quickly build customizable html files from a folder branch using the gui or a command line.
Quickly and easily build customizable html files from a folder branch with the help of this powerful yet free-to-use index.html generator.
Dirhtml may be used to:
- Generate index.html pages for web servers
- Locate particular files on hard disks (including mapped network disks)
- Create randomized file lists (for example, lists of mp3 files)
- Generate index pages that span entire folder branches
- Since dirhtml outputs html files, any build results in a static record of a folder branch at the time it was executed, which can be saved for future reference.
Dirhtml can be easily run from the command line using batch files. Consequently, it can also regenerate all index.html's on a server via a scheduled execution of appropriate batch files.